The health and wellness field is rapidly growing, and amidst all the brands, companies, news outlets, and bloggers, it can be hard to find the products, content, and articles directly related to you and your wellness needs. That's where we come in. At B Health Wellness, we hope to provide you with the most relevant content to your daily lifestyle. As most of you work in the healthcare field, we will cater our blogs, featured products, and interviews for your lifestyle.
After conducting countless interviews with real nurses, we have come to know that it's difficult to maintain your work, life, and play balance. We hope that you find this blog (and our sister Instagram) enriching and helpful towards adding that extra touch to your personal wellness practice.
How Do We Define Wellness?
Wellness is the active process of nurturing one's wellbeing, and purposefully taking action and making decisions towards living a healthier and happier life. These daily choices can be related to the following fields of wellness:
- Physical Wellness
- Intellectual Wellness
- Environmental Wellness
- Emotional Wellness
- Social Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
All of these categories promote and support one another, and without these six categories of wellness, we would not be able to reach our highest level of self.
Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness is the act of caring for our bodies, to maintain optimal health, strength, flexibility, and functioning. Physical wellness is comprised of many micro-segments, ranging from diet to fitness to medical self-care. One of the most important elements to maintaining physical wellness is the implementation of a daily physical practice for fitness, diet, and lifestyle. And this can be tough (we've all experienced the challenge). Whether it's yoga, running, or pilates, daily exercise can improve your overall health and reduce the risk of developing diseases like type-2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. But you know this, you're healthcare practitioners. It's about the constant small reminders and the slow notion of actually implementing these practices in our day to day lives.
Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual Wellness promotes mental stimulation through literary, cultural, creative, and community activities. Expanding one’s knowledge and skills enhances and adds further richness to life and the daily routines we participate in. The more we invest in the talents, skills, and abilities we are interested in and passionate about, our mastery of those activities will increase, and so will our confidence. The confidence that we nurture within ourselves can then be used to be of service towards other individuals! When we're confident with what we've learned, our ability to teach and share that knowledge increases. Mental and intellectual stimulations keeps our minds sharp and our thoughts clever. We'll be able to better connect with the patients we care for, and the colleagues we work with.
Environmental Wellness
Environmental Wellness reflects our ability to care for and nurture the earth and it’s resources, but also recognizing the impact that the environment has on as individuals. Being mindful about our consumption, and our waste (whether we recycle, or compost), as well as our engagement with the environments around us (living in a small town, a large metropolitan city, working in an office daily), is important in creating a healthy environment. Increasing our understanding of what we can do to care for the earth, as well as our personal environments will not only increase our overall wellness, but have an enormous impact on the earth, as well as the people we are surrounded by in those environments. Environmental Wellness is also concerned with our homes, workplaces and the various spaces we find ourselves floating between. It is important to feel comfortable, safe, content and relaxed wherever we are. Sometimes we have to create it, sometimes we have to seek it.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness is centered around being mindful of our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, regardless of their positive or negative nature. It is important to be aware of what we are feeling, rather than to deny what we feel. It is about being resilient to the various emotional states that we experience and flowing along with life on a daily basis while maintaining a positive attitude, high self-esteem and a strong self-image. Our emotional wellness can be augmented through various different avenues, ranging from our closest relationships to our ability to relax and laugh at ourselves and life to being able to cope with stress and tension and carving out time for leisure pursuits.
Social Wellness
Social Wellness refers to the relationships we cultivate, nurture, as well as the communities we are involved in or create. Having a positive social environment is an important key to our personal wellness and this means seeing value in living in harmony with our fellow human beings, seeking positive and interdependent relationships with others and developing healthy behaviors. This can extend from relationships with family members, to friends and colleagues, teachers, and even strangers. Being open to new relationships and surrendering those that no longer allow you to maintain your overall wellness and preserve the beauty and balance of nature and the community.
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness can be a very personal aspect of wellness, as we all have our own personal belief systems about our place on earth and our connection to the universe. Ultimately, spiritual wellness is concerned with defining a value system or beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives. Whether you follow a specific religion, have discovered your own personal spiritual practice, the personal belief systems we define for ourselves help us to feel more grounded not only in our external environments, but our internal environments (our understanding of ourselves) as well. Striving for a state of harmony within ourselves is hard to do, but important in complementing the other five wellnesses.